Thursday, August 27, 2020
Stakeholder Tertiary Project
Partner Tertiary Project Assignment Statement: To address the subject of undertaking necessities do explore and from your discovering draft plainly organized notes that clarify what is: Implied by the essential, optional and tertiary partners The motivation behind an extension record and segments it ought to contain Undertaking Objectives: This undertaking is given to discover the depiction about essential, auxiliary and tertiary partner of a task and their exercises with their anxiety region. All these will be portrayed on the primary area of this undertaking. What's more, the second segment here will be characterized and portrayed about the motivation behind a Scope archive and furthermore will be referenced about its areas it ought to contain. Partners The people or associations having an interest in what will be found out from an assessment and what will be finished with the information. Partners are gatherings of individuals who have an enthusiasm for a business association. They can be viewed as being either outside to the association, or on the other hand inner. Be that as it may, some might be both. Essential Stakeholders Essential partners are the planned recipients of the undertaking. Jobs of Primary Stakeholder: Cooperation of essential partners is fundamental in ventures which are relied upon to have an immediate constructive effect on characterized gatherings of individuals Instances of Primary Stakeholder: Workers Proprietors/Stockholders Clients Providers Partner Optional Stakeholders Optional partners are the individuals who proceed as mediators inside a task. Jobs of Primary Stakeholder: The principle job of optional partner is connecting nearby administration with national arrangements. In a couple of cases, optional partner assumes a job likewise in agreement building, refereeing, dynamic and financing. Case of optional partner: Middle of the road government Nearby government NGOs The General Public Tertiary Stakeholders Tertiary partners are those on-screen characters who are considered to have huge impact on the accomplishment of an undertaking. Jobs of tertiary Stakeholder: Tertiary partners give specialized help, backstopping, augmentation and preparing administrations in their general vicinity of skill. They partake in dynamic and activity taking and in mindfulness raising exercises Tertiary partner may help with showcasing, and offer money related help through speculations. Case of Tertiary Stakeholder: Line organizations Endeavors and organizations Banks National government specialists NGOs The reason for Scope Documentation: The degree record is a general term for any report that refines and characterizes the prerequisites part of the triple imperative of time, cost, and necessities. In this general sense, it gives a review of what the undertaking should achieve and explains how those achievements will be accomplished. It might likewise give the colleagues, client, and task director with knowledge on what is explicitly not in the extension. The areas of a degree report: The layout for a degree report may incorporate the components examined in the accompanying areas. 1. Presentation/Background of the Project This incorporates the history and any natural definitions required to comprehend the undertaking. 2. Method of reasoning/Business Opportunity This segment communicates the upsides of pushing forward with the task and why it was attempted. 3. Partners and End Users This will list both business territories and people, refering to their duties, inclusion, and any obligations or expectations they may create related with the venture. 4. Venture Details This will now and then be broken out into the practical prerequisites for the undertaking and the specialized necessities. The degree articulation may just incorporate the useful necessities. It should join the entirety of the compulsory prerequisites from the agreement or reminder of comprehension, Should join detail on the highlights of the deliverable that will serve those prerequisites. Regulatory Requirements Since regulatory obligations can be nearly as cumbersome as task deliverable duties, they ought to be obviously characterized as parts of the undertaking degree Postproject Considerations Since the undertaking exertion typically makes up just a little part of an all out framework life cycle, any drawn out contemplations that will legitimately influence the venture dynamic procedure ought to be consolidated in the degree report. End: This assignment was about the kinds of partners and their particular duty in a venture. Furthermore, about their working jobs with the case of partner are given in the errand arrangement as I comprehend by perusing the undertaking proclamation and from my discoveries. I additionally attempted to give the data about extension documentation and its potential purposes. Reference: Site:
Saturday, August 22, 2020
And Then There Were None free essay sample
The book And Then There Was None is a book loaded with anticipation, rush, and riddle. Portending and incongruity are two principle components that make this book dramatic. Christie likewise utilizes character advancement and the characters past to make the peruser imagine that anybody could be the killer. Self-coerce likewise assumed a tremendous job of why a few occasions and musings happened. There are likewise fundamental defining moments and turns that make this book strange and unpleasant. The greatest bit of proof that supports foretelling is maybe the Ten Little Indians nursery rhyme. Ms. Vera Claythrone first notification this in her room, yet doesn't appreciate it. This rhyme led the plot and murders. The killer utilizes this rhyme to take out the occupants individually. Another case of hinting is when Mr. Blore is cautioned by an elderly person, at the outset, that day of atonement is close. This hints Mr. We will compose a custom paper test on And afterward There Were None or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Blores and everybody elses passing. Incongruity additionally had an immense influence in making this book dramatic. Incongruity is utilized to attempt to recognize the conceivable killer. Ms. Claythorne and Mr. Lombard likewise thought Mr. Blore could be the conceivable killer, however then discovered him squashed by a bear formed mantle piece. Vera Claythorne and Mr. Lombard thought Dr. Armstrong was the conceivable executioner after his vanishing, however then discovered him appeared on the shore. This incongruity makes anticipation by not having the option to make sense of who the genuine killer is. After the record played blaming all the occupants for homicide, self-blame sets in. For this situation, it gradually drives Ms. Claythorne distraught. She has consistently felt regretful about Cyril suffocating. She really begins to think Cyril is frequenting her when she botches the cool ocean growth on the snare for Cyrils chilly, wet hands around her throat. The ocean growth on the snare additionally does some foretelling for where the noose will be later. A MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SENT TO SCOTLAND YARD is the answer for all the anticipation and rush to this novel. Mr. Equity Wargrave arranged out these homicides since he figured equity ought to be served to these occupants associated with earlier passings. Mr. Wargrave was si ck and had very little time to live so that is the reason he had no issue taking his own life, as well. Agatha Christie is the universes top of the line writer ever in light of books she composed like And Then There Were None. This book was brimming with dramatic minutes. The manner in which she makes tension in this book makes you never need to put her book down.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Critical Reflective Log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Basic Reflective Log - Essay Example This article is a basic intelligent sign on situation dependent on medications and liquor use, a recuperation procedure. In spite of the fact that examination has indicated that moderate utilization of liquor has some medical advantages for more seasoned grown-ups, extreme utilization of liquor has negative wellbeing and social results simply like medication misuse or dependence. Around five percent of the worldââ¬â¢s populace meets the models for a liquor and medication use issue, reliance or misuse (Miller 2003). The most noteworthy level of this populace originates from Australia. Individuals under 25 years old stand the least secure drinking propensities. The best treatment methodology for liquor addiction and illicit drug use is interceding right on time with hazardous drunkards and medication abusers to keep them from turning out to be substantial and ordinary heavy drinkers or medication abusers (American Psychiatric Association 1994). It is a confused procedure to pull back somebody from substantial liquor admission or chronic drug use since it is difficult to stop the drinking propensity or stop the medication misuse propensity. When a heavy drinker or medication someone who is addicted chooses to recoup from the fixation, there are different methods for doing as such. For example, one can do it from an inpatient recovery focus, outpatient recovery focus, medical clinic, treatment, or connect with himself in the twelve stage programs (VandenBos 2007). Stopping drinking or medications helps one to get free physical ailments identified with the enslavement out of his body. Furthermore, the fanatic needs to mend genuinely to stay away from situations where he returns to his old addictions. For a heavy drinker or medication fanatic to recoup, he will be relied upon to follow a specific procedure past his previous lifestyle to make another life (Schaler 1997). These procedures are a piece of self reflection or contemplation. The following are programs, which can help a heavy drinker or medication junkie to have a self reflection. These projects keep going for a month or over a year and they as a rule happen in a private
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ethical Theories And Deontological Moral Theories
Adam Allred Philosophy 1000 Dr. Richard Greene Term Paper In this paper I will address the questions of what are consequentialist moral theories and deontological moral theories. I will also gear my attention to the best known theorist for both respected parties. After doing that, I will show the key difference in consequentialist and deontological overall theories. Furthermore, I will also give my opinion on which theorist and theory I feel most compelled to side with. I will first introduce you to the idea of normative ethics, both consequentialist and deontological are branches of this. The idea of normative ethics is to show us how a person should behave, and also the moral values that we should have. The overall goal of normativeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦So for example, if my intention or motive was good then the consequences do not change that it was moral. On the other hand, if I have bad intentions or motives than no matter the outcome it would be demend immoral. The most recognized theorist of this view was Immanuel Kant, we will go over his work in more detail later in this paper. The next thing I will address is the key difference in consequentialist and Deontologists. I will not give my opinion on what I feel is best yet, but rather give a closer look at what makes them so different. The key difference of the two is how you are told to judge the outcome of morality. Consequentialist as I have stated earlier judge actions on the consequences of the action to be able to see if it is considered moral. Deontologists as I have also stated earlier judge the action by the overall intent or motive to see if it is moral. So the real difference is that both use a different view point of an action to try to decipher if it s moral. Both try to give us some moral principles to use to judge what is moral and immoral. But that is the only thing they share, other than that they could not be more of polar opposites. John Stuart Mill was a British philosopher, he is a consequentialist moral theorist. But that being said, he is best known as a Utilitarian which is a species of consequentialism. Utilitarianism is based on The Principles of Utility, which say an action is deemed right if it produces
Friday, May 15, 2020
Computer Forensics And The Internet - 1393 Words
introduction to computer forensics In today s world, people must keep up with technology in order to conduct their daily routines. Technological advances now allow people to remain in the comfort of their homes while they carry out everything from ordering groceries from the store or videoconferencing with someone around the world can be done electronically. Since its beginnings in the 1990s, people use the Internet in their everyday lives, they rely on it for a safe and accurate exchange of information on a global scale. Personal data such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, and passwords are constantly traveling from one computer to another. With security measures in place to protect this sort of information online, mostâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A computer forensics expert can recover information and computer evidence even if it has been hidden, encrypted, or deleted. In computer forensics, time is of the essence and an investigation must be performed in a timely manner to prevent information from disappearing forever. An important aspect of a computer forensic investigation is that the computer forensics expert must be capable of performing the analysis in a manner that will preserve, identify, extract, document and interpret computer data. The computer forensics analysis must be performed in a manner that conforms with legal requirements so that the results of the forensics investigation will be admissible in court. Simply powering up a computer can result in many files being changed. This may affect the admissibility and reliability of digital evidence. The analysis of electronic evidence includes not only the analysis of documents currently in a computer and those that were previously deleted, but also past versions and alterations of electronically stored documents. A computer forensics expert can also assist individuals accused of computer crimes. Whether the individual is accused of hacking, computer trespass, computer fraud, use of a computer to solicit a police officer posing as a minor, or the alleged possession of illegal pornography, a computer forensicsââ¬â¢ expertise can be critical in formulating a competent strategy. We can assist your attorney in understanding the many issues where digital
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Engineers Are Faced With Ethical And Moral Issues
Essay Proposal Outline The following outline will help me write my essay about how engineers are faced with the ethical and moral issues of bribery in the industry. I chose this issue because it is a topic that speaks close to me. I have been put into many situations at work and during internships where I ask myself whether it is a bribe or if it is just networking. This essay will not only discuss the issue of bribery in the industry but help me further understand how to analyze certain scenarios if I am offered something else in the future. I. Introduction â⬠¢ Introduce bribery and why it is considered a moral issue. o Bribery is considered to be the most common moral issue faced by engineers in any industry. This is considered to be a moral issue because each scenario is difficult to define and must be individually analyzed. An engineer must follow certain steps when faced with a moral issue of whether something is truly a bribe. This issue is important to discuss because if a bribe is accepted in the industry, it may lead to serious consequences, such as termination. â⬠¢ Thesis Statement: In order to determine whether a moral issue is categorized as a bribe, the ethical concepts of bribery must first be defined. II. Body i. Ethical Theory a. Define moral issue, application issue, and conceptual issue. How these relate to bribery. o A moral issue is defined when a decision must be made to determine whether an action is right or wrong. o An example of a moral issue is ââ¬Å".â⬠oShow MoreRelatedEthics Essay - Stuck in the Middle1206 Words à |à 5 PagesAcademic Essay Ethical Dilemma # 4: Stuck in the middle? Introduction It is important to understand why ethical decisions are made in business and what, if any, factors can influence the processes/procedures and ultimately the consequences of these decisions (Crane and Matten, 2010). All business activities involve some sort of decision-making but how people integrate ethics in that process varies from person to person. Many employees today are faced with situations thatRead More Engineering Ethics Essay1653 Words à |à 7 Pagescodes of ethics, or if they should think autonomously about moral issues. The speaker in the essay question suggest that the former argument is correct, and that engineering courses should have the goal of teaching students to master the standards set out by codes of ethics as following these is what engineering ethics consists of. This means that students should be taught that instead of making their own decisions about moral issues, they are to follow the guidelines set out for them by engineeringRead MoreThe Legal Ethics Of The Unlicensed Engineer Essay1349 Words à |à 6 PagesThe unlicensed engineer The unlicensed engineer case is one that advances very critical, fundamental and pertinent issues on ethical standards and morality. Needless to say, ethics and morals ought to plays an imperative role in all decision-making processes of all professions. It is, therefore, paramount for Engineers to guarantee all things are done flawlessly, without even raising a shadow of a doubt. The case of the unlicensed engineer is of foremost, one of the ethical erroneous deed. 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Recall from the lecture that the ethical Issues of an industry (or company) are behaviors, practices, or policies (e.g., company policies) that are thought to occur in the industry, and that raise questions about their ethics or morality because 1) they involve behaviors that harm or could harm others or oneself (either directly or indirectly); 2) they involve behaviors that violate or appear to violate or haveRead MoreThe Problem Of A Crisis Management Specialist903 Words à |à 4 PagesChemistrà © and Phaust, both should have had a Public Relations specialist among their management team in order to guide them in handling the issue in question. A crisis management specialist would help the organization strategically respond to negative situations and to dialog with stakeholders affected by perceived and actual consequences of crisis (Broom Sha, 2013, p. 16). The stakeholders affected in this crisis are Chemistrà ©, Phaust, the management team, Fred, and family members of ManuelRead MoreEthics, Morality, And Morality2531 Words à |à 11 Pagescan often lead to questionable ethical and moral decisions due to the utility of the situation including the likes of pleasure, economic well-being, and lack of suffering. Specifically, engineers face the dualistic nature of ethics and morality in their everyday workplace. Often times, engineers are forced to abide by the ethics presented by their particular firm and contractor, which results in the diminishment of their morals if they do not align. However, engineers are morally obligated and committedRead MoreMy Mechanical Engineering Degree At The United States Air Force Essay2504 Words à |à 11 Pageswe have been taught about the expectation of an engineer to ââ¬Å"promote the welfare of human beingsâ⬠, which conflicts with intent and design of weaponry. This yields the moral issue that is the focus of this essay; how does an engineer morally justify the engineering or weapons systems developed to damage or kill human property, infrastructure, and people. This essay will explore this moral issue by assessing the identity and purpose of a weapon, and how they are used in modern day applications. TheRead MoreThe Structural Failure Of The Rana Plaza Collapse Essay1622 Words à |à 7 PagesUpazila of Dhaka, Bangladesh. This resulted in 1,137 confirmed dead at Rana Plaza, and over a year later 200 are still missing (Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, 2015). The issue is an ethical issue which has affected many lives in Bangladesh and resulted in western civilisation demanding change. The ethical issue involves around a Bangladesh man Sohel Rana, and western clothing companies, specifically the company it manufactured for, Canadian fashion brand Joe Fresh (Forbes, 2013). The buildingRead MoreThe Legal, Spiritual, And Ethical Perspectives Of Volkswagen1572 Words à |à 7 Pagestesting, posing a more serious threat to the environment as well as endangering human life. Specifically, this paper will discuss how I as an employee or manger would have prevented the incident and as a CEO, how I would have responded once the issue became public as well as to generating a response to prevent future incidents. I will address the legal, spiritual, and ethical perspectives of Volkswagen, analyzing both the civil law and criminal law as it pertains to the rights and responsibilities of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Jazz Concert Paper free essay sample
A Band performed at the Valley Performing Arts Center on February 28, 2013 at 7:30 PM. The director, John Adverse, put together two sections of the show; the first section exhibited the works of Dee Barton, a local Jazz musician that recently passed away and the second half introduced two renowned vocalists that accompanied the jazz band. The first vocalist was Renee Lasted, an entertaining vocalist with a strong and soulful voice. The second vocalist was Tierney Sutton who has an amazing talent of creating an instrument with her voice.Each unique section rated deferent environments and tones that resonated the styles of each musician. Upon entering the Valley Performing Art Center, I was greeted by an usher that was handing out programs. The auditorium had large curved pieces of wood on the roof for better acoustics. On the stage was a large backdrop with numerous amounts of different colored lights shining on it. We will write a custom essay sample on Jazz Concert Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The stage was oriented in such a way where each musician could be seen. The band consisted of a piano, vibraphone, guitar, bass, drums, and an ensemble of saxophones, trumpets, trombones, flutes, and clarinets.The audience sat In seats in front of the band on the first floor and I was seated near the front. The show started with the John Adverse Glenn an Introduction of the show and the special guests. Throughout the concert, special musicians got to come to the front and play solos into a microphone. The concert was centered around the musical genre of Jazz. Jazz is an All- American genre that started in the early 20th century. The biggest names in Jazz history include Louis Armstrong, Duke Elongating, Count Bessie, Art Datum and Benny Goodman. These musicians created a new kind of music that the world has never en before.The groundbreaking feats that these people made changed the world of music and made it something that breaks all the rules of traditional music. The prominent musicians of the concert were the SUN Jazz A Band, John Adverse, Tierney Sutton, and Renee Lasted. The SUN Jazz A Band is recognized as one of the finest college Jazz bands in the nation (sun. Du). The band goes to various competitions and gets high rankings. The band aired on radio stations around the world and has received offers to record. They have also played In various major music festivals.John Adverse, the composer and director of the show, Is a trumpet player, composer, arranger, producer, bandleader, educator, and FM Jazz recording artist (canvassers. Com). He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from the University of California, Los Angels, a Master of Fine Arts degree in Jazz Studies at California Institute of the Arts, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Jazz studies at the university of Southern California. .. [and] is currently a full-time faculty member at California State university, Northerner, where he teaches Jazz Studies and Media Composition.Renee Lasted was the first singer that came out after the intermission. She is full of emotional energy and [boasts a] four octave range [which] produces an extraordinary entertainment experience (Suns Jazz A Band Program). She had a strong and powerful voice with a hint seduction in her voice. Finally, Tierney Sutton was one of the most unique vocalists that I have heard. She Is described as a singers singer, but Just as often, she Is described as a musicians scat singing and created music with her voice as if it was an instrument. I enjoyed the concert very much.I thought it was a great collection of different kinds of Jazz music ranging from instrumentals to big band Jazz songs with a vocalist. From what I saw, the audience was a diverse group of listeners. A majority were music major college student however there were several elderly men and women. I think the show was appropriate for all ages. I found out that music has no age and everybody can enjoy it no matter what. But if someone that did not like Jazz went to this concert, they wouldnt have enjoyed the show very much, whether this person as a child or an adult.According to the Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools, it states that a Preponderating student should be able to respond spontaneously to different types of music and rhythms. Even at such a young age, children must be able to understand music to the point where they are able to enjoy and comprehend to what they learned. Music helps students to be creative and can help them learn in all the academic courses including Social Studies, Math, Language Arts and Science.This is important because everyone from the age group of Pre-K through 12th grade should fulfill the certain music standards. I personally enjoyed the show because it created a larger picture for me about the world of music. It was very impressive how college students were able to do what they did with their instrument They didnt Just pla y one instrument Some of them play two or three instruments. I cannot imagine the amount of practice they must have had to devote into playing the music at this concert in particular. I was very impressed with the result of this concert.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Critical Incident Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay Essay Example
Critical Incident Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay Paper In this paper, I will analyze an interesting instance survey that I found of import to discourse. On one manus, I will size up the inside informations of this instance survey and the critical civilization information of the participants. On the 2nd manus, I will analyse the incident from the positions of the ethnicity, White American civilization, and linguistic communication differences. Description of the Critical Incident Sequence of events We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Incident Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Incident Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Incident Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This event took topographic point in a primary school in Indiana State a twelvemonth ago. H was introduced to a school psychologist by his instructor. He was the worst-behaved white child in school. He was aggressive, battles with other equals, and argues with his instructor all the clip. The instructor wanted to better H s behaviours and reported it to his female parent. Therefore, the instructor and the school psychologist agreed to work with H, since he was the most ambitious kid in the schoolroom. H was in the 4th class and had maintained high classs. He continued o hold good classs throughout the school twelvemonth. He sometimes had troubles in following waies and finishing in-class assignments in composing activity, yet his academic standing is in the norm ; nevertheless, it is higher in the math country. In order to cognize more about H, an interview was conducted by a school psychologist with his instructor ; the reported that H is from a divorced household and life with his female parent who is a particular instruction instructor in high school. During the first session, H was observed to be a Caucasic male of mean tallness and weight with light-haired hair, bluish eyes, and was dressed casually in a black perspiration suit and gym shoes. H was sitting mutely at his desk and working on his ain. The undermentioned session, H was observed to be more aggressive and started to do noises, shouting, reasoning with instructor and speaking back in the schoolroom. I interviewed H about his behaviour that the instructor and principal told me about his behaviour that was fickle ; I started the first session with him by playing a game to assist him place his feeling and behaviour. Throughout the Sessionss, the pupil was speaking to the school psychologist, and he was stating her that he was holding some jobs in the new topographic point. He was holding a difficult clip socialing and doing friends. The pupil was besides speaking about the absence of his male parent, and how bad he was experiencing to be raised by a individual female parent. He besides addressed the bad relationship he had with his equals and instructor and he was stating through the Sessionss that no 1 could understand him. During this session, there were some misinterpretations between the client and the healer in footings of linguistic communication and some cultural things, such as speaking about sketchs and films characters, favourite Cereal, and sorts of Canis familiariss. As a professional, I examined how I would assist Hunter to alter his behaviour issues in the schoolroom. Therefore, a meeting was conducted with H s female parent in order to cognize more about his behaviour at place and to acquire her involved. Unfortunately, the conference ended negatively. Added to this, the defeat of Hunter s female parent over my cultural differences led the audience procedure to a negative result on H s concerns. During the meeting, H s female parent argued that her boy will be will be pulling attending since they live in a little rural community and everybody knows each other. This was the major job the female parent was believing approximately and was frustrated because she would hold to confront her neighbours staring and remarks. The ma was besides believing of her child in the hereafter and how people will handle and look at him as an aggressive and misbehaved childs in the town. She stated every bit good that she is a individual ma that raised her kid by herself and she had faced plenty from these people in the town. She mentioned that her child would hold some jobs working with an international school psychologist who speaks better in another linguistic communication than English and had a different cultural background. The pupil was willing to maintain working with him, but his ma was declining to finish our Sessionss ; he seemed to alter bit by bit and wanted to be different. He was huffy, because his female parent stopped everything and he told the school psychologist that his female parent had non let him come to her. He stated that he did non hold friends before and the school psychologist was his friend around that clip. Culture of the client The client is H s female parent, 38-year-old, and Caucasic female. She has one kid who is 10 old ages old and step-elder boy ( age 17 ) and one younger measure girl ( age 5 ) who does non presently live with her in the same house. The client is divorced, populating with her boy since she got divorced six old ages ago. She is working as a particular instruction instructor in high school and mentioned she is from the superior in-between category background. Culture of healer The healer in this instance was me. I am a 26 twelvemonth old, Muslim international female pupil. I am from a middle-class background, and grew up in a place with my male parent, step-mother, and my sisters and half brothers. My household has been an of import portion in my life. I had a batch of societal and emotional support. My female parent had a bosom onslaught and died when I was six. I barely remember her face and how she was moving. Education was a nerve-racking portion of my life ; populating entirely far off, and within a different civilization was non an easy thing to cover with. Managing of state of affairs The squad contained the instructor, the school psychologist, and the rule tried to step in and assist Hunter to halt his negative behaviours and get down moving like a normal child. The squad conducted a meeting to aim the behaviour and program an intercession. They called H s female parent to acquire her involved. As the squad was working through this instance, the ma came to school and asked the rule to stop working with her kid. She said they are populating in a little town and it is a wickedness in her country to be in problem in school, particularly in footings of behaviour issues, and she did non desire any sort of services from an international school psychologist. There was no manner to convert the female parent to acquire her involved and persuade convinced her to complete the instance. This was one of my cultural incompetences and biases that I experienced. I felt so huffy and under micro-aggression, because I am non an American school psycholog ist. They do non desire me to work with this child ; particularly so the instructor refused to go on confer withing with me about the pupil and the rule asked me to remain off from him. I felt like an foreigner and helpless. The squad implemented an intercession to work with H in schoolroom, but everything was canceled. The job of this instance was unluckily, was held at the terminal of the school twelvemonth. So, I had to halt run intoing the kid and make what the ma was inquiring for. I felt so unhelpful and I realized the jobs that can happen within school scenes and how unqualified people would be in order to step in. I tried to convert the instructor and the rule to re-set a meeting with the female parent to discourse with her H s academic concerns foremost, alternatively of his behaviour issues. Explain to her how of import it is to work with him before they become major issues in the hereafter, acquire the ma more involved, and make a connexion between place and school. Unfortunately, it was inappropriate to coerce people to go to Sessionss or have aid. It was hard to show a concluding audience study for my undertaking. As a concluding point, the instructor and school psychologist indicated utilizing time-out and ignoring as methods of subject. Lots of feedback besides was suggested to cut down H s defeat, but there was no manner to manage the female parent s instance outlook through her boy. Therefore, I found it really of import to turn to this instance survey to be more cognizant if it happened once more in the hereafter another clip. The Analysis Cross-cultural issues and value differences The followers are the cross-cultural issues and value differences that may hold existed between healer and client: Gender, age, socioeconomic position, instruction, ethnicity, faith, and linguistic communication differences. Age: The client is 38 old ages old. The school psychologist is 26 old ages old. Socioeconomic position: the client is from superior in-between category background and the healer is from in-between category background. Education: the client is a particular instruction instructor at a high school. The healer is a pupil in an EdS plan. Religion: the client is a Christian, while the healer is a Muslim. Ethnicity: the client is White European American and the healer is an international Arab pupil. Language: The client speaks English as the first linguistic communication. The healer speaks Arabic as the first linguistic communication. Out of these issues, I will specifically turn to ethnicity and linguistic communication differences in the analysis portion of this paper. Ethnicity Sue and Sue ( 2007, chap.1 ) , Hence and Boyd-Franklin ( 2005 ) , and Fuller ( 1995 ) discourse the significance of being cognizant of our ain civilization, and each civilization has restrictions. As an international school psychologist, I was really cognizant of the cultural differences during our Sessionss which made me experience like an foreigner. The client in this instance was a female white American. She seemed to be categorized profoundly within her ethnicity, and she appeared to bask being white. In working with her, I believe that it seemed to be to a great extent associated with how she distinguished and reacted to racial stimulation. Therefore, the race-related world of Whites symbolizes major unsimilarities in how she viewed the universe ( Sue A ; Sue 2007 ) . The client was non at easiness in the beginning, and she noticed my speech pattern and realized that I am non an American professional ; she kept inquiring the what are you? and the where are you from? inquiri es, which I believed now how rude and insensitive this inquiries were. I felt that she was judging me, and it was ill-defined what she was seeking to advert with those inquiries. I believe that she is one of the people who think that it was all right to size up and question people with dissimilar speech patterns. This diffident thought is certainly non to do the single feel unwanted or insulted when inquiring about their ethnicity ( Sue and Sue, chap.18 ) , Harmonizing to my ain readings and what I congregated from the readings through this category, my client showed her ain privilege ( Sue A ; Sue, fellow. 11 ) . It was clear for my client to detect that I am from another state, particularly after our undermentioned Sessionss and appeared to see school psychologist pupils in general as unqualified people who wanted merely to pattern their accomplishments. While I was reading the Parker and Schwartz ( 2002 ) article, I assumed how did White come to be the bulk and the oppressor? surely, I agree that, in the United States, white is the foremost community that has become more pale into the statistical unit beside the other ethnicities that are classified as minority classs. Through my small experience on the practicum at this school, I besides noticed some unusual things go oning at this school ; I did non detect that it was favoritism until now. In this school, all the school staff and pupils were Whites and there was an ignorance of the civilization strengths and the school staff blames the pupils and their parents for their job ; this reminded me of cultural sightlessness bureaus. I did non detect all the clip working in this school any other different ethnicities besides white Americans. In this phase, the school works with pupils as they are all the same, disregarding their alone demands and cultural differences ( Sue A ; Sue 2007 ) Goal: the end of this difference would be to do an equal relationship, free from any racism. Racism found to be apparent in all facets of white community in our day-to-day lives ( such as in telecasting, wireless, and educational stuffs, etc. ) ( Sue A ; Sue 2007 ) My client is a white American and I should be cognizant of her ain racial background and the continuity of racism in the United States merely by being white ( Parker A ; Schwartz ) . As was discussed in McGoldrick lineations ( 2005 ) Ethnocultural factors are frequently the concealed dimension in household therapy with white ethnics, and researching them may be a cardinal constituent of successful intervention. Make a curative resonance will be the chief end of this scenario. Course of action: After working with this client, I would join forces with her with regard to find her feelings in working with a healer who is from a different civilization as hers. I would besides work on her confidentiality since there is a clear feeling of misgiving which is a reaction to being discriminated against and abhor for the dominant communities in an about planetary anti-White presentation and feeling ( Sue A ; Sue, p.200 ) . As a professional, I should cognize the presence of misgiving and work to acquire my client s trust. My client is white American ; I should be cognizant that white privilege is unseeable ( McIntosh, 1988 ) to her I was unwelcome. It will really effectual to cut down the anxiousness and the disquieted feelings of the client and the school psychologist as good in this scenario. Rationale: My principle for taking this end and class of action was to turn to the unsimilarities that exist between the school psychologist and the client in order to understand and cut down the relationship of dominant and minority. Collaborating with my client in the hereafter will concentrate on her outstanding issues in order to acquire her more involved and trust the school psychologist. I would besides learn my client some curative techniques in order to assist her comprehend and increase her feelings of trust and comfort. Language Strong emotions such as choler, unhappiness, and defensiveness were displayed when speaking about experiences of race, civilization, and other socio demographic variables ( McIntosh, chap.1 ) . These feelings may better or contradict a full significance to grok the worldviews of culturally varied clients. As professional, working with a multicultural population, I need to cognize that I am different and how to cover with it in an appropriate manner. In this instance survey, I worked with a client who is from a diverse civilization and that leads to hold some difficult times to understand each other in the beginning, particularly in footings of the linguistic communication, oculus contact, and sometimes body linguistic communication. The client in this instance is an American English talker utilizing high Standard English and stressing verbal communicating ( Sue A ; Sue, fellow. 6 ) . The client was speaking usually, but with attending that she was non satisfied. She sometimes talked really fast. As a school psychologist, English is my 3rd linguistic communication and as most of non English foremost linguistic communication talker, I have an speech pattern. Sometimes my speech pattern may sound familiar, but normally most people mentioned that it is understood and has a Gallic spirit, which most of people likes. From clip to clip, I feel uncomfortable if my client misunderstood me. I think that was because of my speech pattern and she did non used to speak with aliens she is holding problems to understand me ; as Sue and Sue stated ( 2007, Chap. 21 ) Communication due to linguistic communication troubles as I stated above, my client may sometimes speak fast and utilize some slang statements that I could non grok. We were holding a job to link and associate up together, but the chief job was to be unable to work with her kid that made me experience really abashed and sometimes unfruitful. In this instance, I feel really down and sometimes I could non manage state of affairss . I know that I have a productive background, but linguistic communication issues make me really upset. It made me experience absolutely unwelcomed in my client s community and this state, particularly with these sorts of clients who do non like me to work with their kids, merely because they do non swear international people. This thought of the lower status of me in add-on to the belief that my client has the power to enforce her criterions upon my civilization was besides presented ( Sue A ; Sue, fellow. 4 ) . These besides made experience both astound and shocked, particularly when I experienced such things straight in this instance. Communication is an appealing portion of communicative interaction ; it is an instrument that helps the healers to grok their clients and provides him or her needful services. ( Sue A ; Sue, chap.6 ) In our field, we need to be able to interchange communicating in appropriate manner for both verbal and gestural messages. Coding and decrypting messages from others is the key to understand both the linguistic communication and the message that is transmitted through the usage of the linguistic communication. Goal: as a end to decide this scenario is to be familiar with American civilization and speak English absolutely, and besides be familiar with their slangs and have self assurance that I am seeking to make good. American talkers if they attempt to talk Arabic for an illustration they will hold an speech pattern every bit good. Through working with this client, I will discourse the linguistic communication particularly the accent barrier openly with her ; I bet that this may be good. Course of action: I think it is really critical to speak with the clients in the initial interview before get downing any appraisal. Informed her that I am an international school psychologist and they may non to the full understand my speech pattern. I will allow her cognize that I am unfastened to reply her inquiries and repetition if it needed. Discoursing the foreign linguistic communication speech patterns and refer that is normal to hold an speech pattern within another linguistic communication learned every bit good. I once more felt the biting assurance to better English with the purpose of being a more effectual and diverse professional. Rational: My principle for taking this end and class of action was to speak about the speech pattern issues that may assist me loosen up and work comfortably. Educating the client that her child s instance is traveling to be confidential and no 1 will cognize about it in the town. It may take to disregard other issues like linguistic communication, I will besides inquire my client to inquire for elucidations if the she did non understand me and the job will be resolved. Decision After analysing this instance survey, I recognized how important it is to be sensitive of our cultural difference in order to be competent and sensitive to other civilizations. This experience helped me to grok how dissimilar we are as people and how this affect the interpersonal communications. This will assist me be to be cognizant and work on myself to be more an effectual and successful professional in the hereafter.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Behind the Mask of Jason Voorhees Professor Ramos Blog
Behind the Mask of Jason Voorhees Jason Voorhees is a huge horror icon today. His character in the Friday the 13th franchise is a very unique one as well. However, some things needed to have taken place for Jason Voorhees to be born. His story comes from inspiration of a lot of different movies and characters. There are many individual events and causes that created Jason. There has been a lot of character development of Jason over the years, yet, if it werenââ¬â¢t for other films, there may not have been any inspiration for the creators of Jason to draw from. If it werent for them, we mightââ¬â¢ve never gotten the story of Jason! Thank goodness these all happened, these are the causes of Jason. There is also a really good tie-in Jason has with one of Cohenââ¬â¢s Monster Theories. One of the biggest influences or causes for Jason Voorhees is Michael Myers from the movie Halloween (1978). During the late 70s and early 80s, there was a big boom in horror titles that were in the slasher category. In 1978, the film ââ¬ËHalloweenââ¬â¢ was created and birthed the famous character of Michael Myers. He was a masked killer that had a tendency to kill savagely. This led to many more characters in the future with the same concept and some really similar ones too. For example, for Jason to have the tendency to kill recklessly, Michael Myersââ¬â¢ story of mental health was needed. This story allowed Michaelââ¬â¢s killing to be somewhat justified because he was unstable. This allowed Michael to kill over and over again. The same thing could be said for Jason. For his killing to be justified he had to undergo some trauma. Some of the trauma that Jason experienced was drowning in the lake at camp with no one to help him out. Then later as a spirit or ghost, he exp erienced the death of his mother when she went to kill in his name. The experience of trauma was needed for both of these masked murders to go ahead and kill the way they did. So the cause of Michael going through trauma is how we got a similar story in Jason. Now what was needed for Jason to have the mask? Well that was really based on the times the movies were filmed. In the first Friday the 13th, Jason isnââ¬â¢t the killer, his mother is. He then goes onto kill in an older state in his life in Part 2. He has a burlap sack covering his face in the films. This is due to the embarrassment of his deformed face. Jason goes on to Part 3 of the franchise where he then adopts the infamous hockey mask. However, even though Jason is sporting some kind of mask or covering, he isnââ¬â¢t the first to do it. The main movie that started this trend was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). This had the main character, Leatherface, take the faces of the victims and put it on his own face to hide his identity. Which then led to Michael Myers, the next horror movie in that time frame, to pick up a mask and go forth in killing. This then caused Jason to go ahead and put on a burlap sack in the Part 2, and finally the well known hockey mask in Part 3. One fun fact about this hockey mask is that it wasnââ¬â¢t completely planned into the story of Jason. The director at the time was really into the sport of hockey and suggested the usage of the hockey mask. This decision had no back story it was just spontaneous. One of the questions that people ask about Jason is on his weapon of choice. Why would he use a knife or machete when there are other more devastating weapons out there? One of the most famous things about him is that he is very slow and uses a melee weapon to take the lives of his victims. But why? He is so slow and he would benefit from a firearm, or even throwing knives for that matter. Yet, Jason only having a machete stems from the various horror moves from around itââ¬â¢s time. For example, these movies consisted of ââ¬ËHalloweenââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËPsychoââ¬â¢, and ââ¬ËThe Texas Chainsaw Massacreââ¬â¢, these movies all have the main killer sporting a knife. However, in all these movies the killer is using a just a basic kitchen knife. Its concept can get old very quickly and thatââ¬â¢s where the inspiration of Jasonââ¬â¢s machete came from. The evolution of these films likely inspired the use of the machete because its much more menacing. If someone is rushing towards you full force, with a long machete that can slice through anything like butter, itââ¬â¢s most likely that anyone would be scared. One monster theory that relates to Jason is ââ¬ËThe Monster Dwells at the Gates of Differenceââ¬â¢. This is because as Cohen says, ââ¬Å"The monster is difference made flesh, come to dwell among us. In its function as dialectical Other or third-term supplement, the monster is an incorporation of the Outside, the Beyond- of all those loci that are rhetorically placed as distant and distinct but originate Withinâ⬠. This applies to Jason because he is very different from regular human beings. He is of demonic descent. He has some sort of paranormal aspects to him because he is half human and half demon. Yet, he is an undead human. This is because he his skin and flash is rotting. Thereââ¬â¢s really no way to kill Jason. While there are ways to kill him, he keeps on resurrecting and coming back. In a sense because of his demonic background he is immortal. He is really different from a regular human being. So he is going against the norm and ââ¬Ëdwells at the gates of di fferenceââ¬â¢. As was mentioned earlier, Jasonââ¬â¢s story was caused from a lot of different movies and characters. There was a lot of influence from films like Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Halloween. These films really helped to shape the story line for Friday the 13th. Each of the films had an input to his character development. This is evident in his appearance, physical characteristics, and actions. These films allowed for the creators of Jason to pull from many ideas. So in short, these films and characters caused Jason Voorhees and helped develop him. Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. ââ¬Å"Monster Culture: Seven Theses.â⬠From Monster Theory: Reading Culture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. Renee, V. ââ¬Å"The Birth of Jason: The Inspiration Behind the Iconic Mask and the Title ââ¬ËFriday the 13thââ¬â¢.â⬠No Film School, 2015 Interview. Barkan, Jonathan. ââ¬Å" Sean Cunningham Reveals the Inspiration for Jasonââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËFriday the 13thââ¬â¢ Hockey Mask!â⬠Bloody Disgusting, 2015.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Family Violence Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Family Violence Law - Case Study Example This paper analyzes the arguments in favor of and against treating Marcia as guilty. The Case Marcia Norman, 39, and her husband, Mitchell, had been married for 25 years and had several children. Mitchell did not work. He forced Marcia to make money by prostitution, and he made fun of that fact before family and friends. He beat her if she resisted going to a truck stop and offering her body. On a few occasions, he made her eat out of the petsââ¬â¢ bowls and insisted that she bark like a dog. He threatened to kill or maim her numerous times.à Marcia and Mitchell got along very well when he was sober. But early one morning, he was intoxicated when he went to a highway rest area where Marcia was prostituting herself and assaulted her. He continued beating her all day after they got home. She called the police and was told to come in and file a complaint, but she was afraid that he would kill her if she had him arrested. She ingested a bottle of pills, then panicked and called EMS . Her husband cursed her as the paramedics treated her and urged them to let her die. After they left, Mitchell continued to slap, kick and throw objects at Marcia. At one point, he put a cigarette out on her upper torso, causing a small burn. After he fell asleep, Marcia took their baby to her motherââ¬â¢s so that she would not wake him, returned with a pistol and killed him.à At trial, Marcia pleads self-defense, which is defined as ââ¬Å"the necessity, real or reasonably apparent, of killing an unlawful aggressor to save oneself from imminent death or great bodily harmâ⬠(Given Case). When we consider the case North Carolina v. Judy Ann Laws Norman, we can argue that Marcia is not guilty even though she killed her sleeping husband. Judy Norman suffered a lot from the hands of her husband. Her husband forced her into prostitution and when opposed, she suffered a great deal of physical and psychological abuse from her husband. It was difficult for her to defend herself when she and her husband were in a physical encounter. So she killed him while he was sleeping. ââ¬Å"A three judge panel of the intermediate appellate court, in a unanimous opinion held that there was sufficient evidence to support a charge of reasonable self-defenseâ⬠(Angel 21). The above verdict is applicable in the case of Marcia also. She had no other way to escape from the brutalities of her husband. It should be noted that Mitchel (husband), disrespected her individuality and identity and forced her to live in accordance with the guidelines given by him. He used his physical and domineering strength to attack her both physically and mentally. Mitchel was denying Marcia the right to live on an equitable level as him. If Marcia had failed to kill him, he would have killed her. Using the ââ¬Å"Self-Defenseâ⬠argument could be a reasonable defense within this case. Under these circumstances, Marcia can argue that she tried to save her life from a certain death. Accor ding to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ââ¬Å"self-defense is a basic right, recognized by many legal systems from ancient times to the presentâ⬠(Killing in Self-Defense). ââ¬Å"The general criminal law allows for the use of deadly force anytime a faultless victim reasonably believes that unlawful force which will cause death or grievous bodily harm is about to be used on himâ⬠(Hobart). Marcia believes that her life is in danger and her husband may kill her at any time. It is reasonable for Marcia
Friday, February 7, 2020
Is Fuel Price Hedging profitable for airline industries Article
Is Fuel Price Hedging profitable for airline industries - Article Example Most airlines today hedge fuel costs. This has not always been the scenario. As recently as 15 years ago, fuel hedging was rare. European flag carriers used currency hedges previously to dilute their risk in fuel volatility In the last 12 years (From 9/11 particularly), unstable oil prices have caused a huge panic situation in the airline industry, a trend which will probably continue for some time. Crude price level rose to nearly $150 per barrel approx, later collapsing to below $40, and recently recovering back to $122 (Wyman) (Oilnergy). The past five years have been very intriguing for global airline industry. The state of the capital markets has not been too rosy itself leaving many corporations without much access to capital let alone cheaper rates In these times of significant modification and instability, it is a need that these airlines employ a feasible risk management program, allowing not only confronting the most challenging of times, but should also lead them to prosper in face of adversities. The question we will try to answer through this case study is that is it worth it in terms of profitability for airline Industry? Previously all airlines hedged their exposure with respect of an oil future. Future implies paying a decided price for an amount of oil on a stated date(s). Consider a company buying a this future of jet fuel at $10 per barrel and jet fuel rises to $18, that commitment protects $10 worth of jet fuel underlying from the consequent 80% increase in price. Airlines typically hedge between 30 to 70% of their expected fuel costs. The recent survey of 24 anonymous international carriers reveals a very important snippet of data (Mercatus Energy) Hedging instruments as we assumed initially only involved fuel hedging used futures contracts. Nowadays, the exposure can be hedged in considerable ways which includes the good old futures, comparatively newer forwards and the latest ones namely options with the limits like covered call and
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Dog Training Essay Example for Free
Dog Training Essay Information to be output The output of the information will contain, the veterinary surgerys name, address and phone number and the surgery opening times on the back page. The opening times will make clear that the weekend surgeries are only for urgent cases. This leaflet will also give out the hours of emergency information. The title and a hamster picture will be on the front page. The information and another hamster picture will be on the inside pages. Data needed to produce the output The input needed to produce the leaflet will be a picture of a hamster; this will be a file on disk, on the inside pages there will be text on: Handling your hamster, cages, feeding your hamster, drinking bottle and common illness and health problems. These illnesses will include; diarrhoea and constipation. It will also include wet tails, colds, exercise and holidays. I will get this information from pages 23-24 of the booklet. On the front page there will be the title (Hamster care leaflet) and a picture of a hamster. On the back page there will be the veterinary surgerys name (Park view Veterinary surgery), the address (27 Park view, Lancre, LA6 9EJ), the phone number (01760 780003), the surgery opening times (Mon-Fri 9am-11: 30am, 4pm-7pm in the afternoons) and the urgent opening hours (10am-11am in the weekends). Desired outcomes and performance criteria The quality of the solution has to give an excellent impression of the veterinary and be easy to read so that people coming to the veterinary will be able to understand it and be able to find the information quickly in urgent circumstances. The style and layout of the output will be as follows: On the front page there will be a hamster picture and the title. In the middle pages there will be the information and another hamster picture, the sub headings in the middle pages must stand out so that the reader can find a certain type of information quickly. On the back page there will be; the veterinary surgerys name, address and phone number. It must also include the surgerys opening times and make it clear that weekend surgeries are only for urgent cases. Testing No testing needed beyond checking the leaflet meets the performance criteria. Dog Training A system will be made to calculate the price of dog training courses for each dog owner depending on how many dogs are to be trained. For example, walking to heel and not pulling on the lead. Format of the output The output will be in the form of a spreadsheet. This will be an interactive screen display, no printing is asked, but it can be if required. There will be columns for the number of dogs on the course, where the course is held, price of course per customer and amount paid to the trainer. Information to be output The information to be output will contain, the dog collars, the rewards, the location to train the dogs (the barn, the hall or the sports club). It will contain how many dogs are on each course, the price that each customer has to pay for each course and how much to pay the trainers and the cleaners. Data needed to produce the output The data needed to produce the output will be: the number of dogs (less than 15) on the course and where the course is held. These variables will determine how much each customer will have to pay (less than à 50) and how much the trainer will get paid (basic rate 20 + i 1. 10 for each dog). The fixed amounts are: The price of the dog collars (i 1. 15), the price of the rewards (i 1. 30), the cleaners (i 6 per session). The rent costs are (rent x no. of sessions). I can find all this information from pages 8,9 and 26 of the booklet. Desired outcomes and performance criteria The quality of the solution and the style and layout of the output has to give a very clear, easy to read and easy to modify spreadsheet. The maximum number of dogs must be 15 and it must also be colourful. I must have the cost of the dog collars, the rewards, the cleaners and the location that the course will take place.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Effects of Classroom Structure on Student Learning Essay examples -- A
Since the early 1200ââ¬â¢s when the first university opened its doors in Italy, the trend manifested its way towards the United States with Harvard University in the 1600ââ¬â¢s. Even though the basic classroom consisted of some desks, a teacher front and center, and little ones eager for recess and masters of eye avoiding, it has evolved heavily with great detail. ââ¬Å"Changing the physical structure of a classroom is one way to alter the environment of a classroomâ⬠¦support the interactive environment of group work, which allows students to control their own learning and presents them with direct feedback in the learning process.â⬠( Mary Ann Polityka.) Classrooms of higher education serve now as room of learning and focus. It may not seem like the basic settings of education and the individuals within effect how students learn, but it greatly impacts each and every one of them. Whether itââ¬â¢s an all-male, female, or both sex universities, all schools make it as comfortable as possible for both the classmates and teachers. Every school of higher education includes both female and male professors, young and old. From a cover story over female and male university professors, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦female professors would have to adopt masculine sex-typed styles of interaction in order to be viewed as legitimate holders of authority in spite of their lesser female status.â⬠(Laurel Richardson.) During the civil rights movement, all women were fighting for their rights, to be equal in the eyes of their father, husband, brother. Even if all men are equal, women still have to show that they have the capacity of their fellow male professors. Also, concluding that ââ¬Å"â⬠¦male professors, although they hold a position which is consistent with their status as males, ... And. "Classroom Structures And Student Motivation: A Study Of The Delta Project." (1993): ERIC. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. 4. Segal, Carmit. "Classroom Behavior." Journal Of Human Resources 43.4 (2008): 783-814. ERIC. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. 5. Villar Angulo, Luis Miguel. "Evaluating Psychosocial Classroom Environments." (1987): ERIC. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. 6. Bembenutty, Hefer. "A Latent Class Analysis Of Teacher Candidates' Goal Orientation, Perception Of Classroom Structure, Motivation, And Self-Regulation." Online Submission (2010): ERIC. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. 7. Polityka, Mary A. "The Effects of Classroom Structure on Student Learning in Introductory Physics." PDF. Department of Physics University of California, San Diego, 15 June 2001. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. 8. Nathan, Rebekah. My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2005. Print.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Political leaders Essay
Must acknowledge the excessive and racially disproportionate incarceration of nonviolent drug offenders and grapple forthrightly with ways to eliminate it. The first step is to reevaluate the current strategies for fighting drugs. Policy makers in each state, as well as in the federal government, should reassess existing public policy approaches to drug use and sales to identify more equitable but still effective options. In particular, they should examine the costs and benefits of relying heavily on penal sanctions to addressdrug use and drug trafficking and should look closely at law enforcement strategies to identify ways to make them more racially equitable. We believe each state as well as the federal government should subject current and proposed drug policies to strict scrutiny and modify those that cause significant, unwarranted racial disparities. In addition, we believe the state and federal governments should: * Eliminate mandatory minimum sentencing laws that require prison sentences based on the quantity of the drug sold and the existence of a prior record. Offenders who differ in terms of conduct, danger to the community, culpability, and other ways relevant to the purposes of sentencing should not be treated identically. Judges should be able to exercise their informed judgment in crafting effective and proportionate sentences in each case. * Increase the availability and use of alternative sanctions for nonviolent drug offenders. Drug defendants convicted of nonviolent offenses should ordinarily not be given prison sentences, even if they are repeat offenders, unless they have caused or threatened specific, serious harm ââ¬â for example, when drug sales are made to children ââ¬â or if they have upper level roles in drug distribution organizations. * Increase the use of special drug courts in which addicted offenders are given the opportunity to complete court supervised substance abuse treatment instead of being sentenced to prison. * Increase the availability of substance abuse treatment and prevention outreach in the community as well as in jails and prisons. * Redirect law enforcement and prosecution resources to emphasize the arrest, prosecution, and incarceration of importers, manufacturers, and major distributors, e. g. , drug king pins, rather than low level offenders and street level retail dealers. * Eliminate different sentencing structures for powder cocaine and crack cocaine, drugs that are pharmacologically identical but marketed in a different form. Since more blacks are prosecuted for crack cocaine offenses and thus subjected to the higher penalties for crack offenses that exist in federal and some state laws, the crack-powder sentencing differential aggravates without adequate justification the racial disparities in imprisonment for drug offenses. * Eliminate racial profiling and require police to keep and make public statistics on the reason for all stops and searches and the race of the persons targeted. * Require police to keep and make public statistics on the race of arrested drug offenders and the location of the arrests. To facilitate more inter-state criminal justice analyses, the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U. S. Department of Justice should annually compile and publish state-by-state statistics on the racial impact of the criminal justice system as it applies to drug offenders, including statistics on arrests, convictions, sentences, admissions to prison, and prison populations. II. THE EXTENT OF U. S. INCARCERATION In the year 2001, the total number of people in U. S. prisons and jails will surpass two million. 12 The state and federal prison population has quadrupled since 1980 and the rate of incarceration relative to the nationââ¬â¢s population has risen from 139 per 100,000 residents to 468. 13 If these incarceration rates persist, an estimated one in twenty of Americaââ¬â¢s children today will serve time in a state or federal prison during his or her lifetime. 14 There is a considerable range in prison incarceration rates among U. S. states (Table 1). Minnesota has the lowest rate, 121 prisoners per 100,000 residents, and Louisiana the highest, with a rate of 763. Seven of the ten states with the highest incarceration rates are in the South. 15 Almost every state has a prison incarceration rate that greatly exceeds those of other western democracies, in which between 35 and 145 residents per 100,000 are behind bars on an average day. 16 The District of Columbia, an entirely urban jurisdiction, has a rate of 1,600. 1 See Human Rights Watch, Cruel and Usual: Disproportionate Sentences for New York Drug Offenders (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1997). Thirty two states have mandatory minimum sentencing laws for drug offenses. Bureau of Justice Assistance, ââ¬Å"National Assessment of Structured Sentencingâ⬠U. S. Department of Justice (February 1996). Mandatory sentences are not responsible for all excessive drug sentences. In Oklahoma, for example, a jury in 1997 gave a sentence of 93 years to Will Forster, an employed father of three with no prior criminal record who grew marijuana plants in his basement. 2 Michael Tonry, Malign Neglect: Race, Crime, and Punishment in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995); David Cole, No Equal Justice (New York:The New Press, 1999); David Musto, The American Disease: Origins of Narcotic Control (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1973). 3 See, e. g. , Craig Reinarman and Harry G. Levine, ââ¬Å"The Crack Attack, Politics and Media in the Crack Scare,â⬠in Craig Reinarman and Harry G. Levine, Crack in America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997) .4 Barry R. McCaffrey ââ¬Å"Race and Drugs: Perception and Reality, New Rules for Crack Versus Powder Cocaine,â⬠Washington Times, October 5, 1997 citing results of a survey published in 1995: Burston, Jones, and Robert-Saunders, ââ¬Å"Drug Use and African Americans: Myth Versus Realityâ⬠in the Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. Ninety-five percent of respondents pictured a black drug user while only 5 percent imagined other racial groups. 5 According to the United States Sentencing Commission, 88. 3 percent of federal crack cocaine defendants were black. United States Sentencing Commission, Special Report to the Congress: Cocaine and Federal Sentencing Policy, 1995, Washington, D. C. , 1995, p. 156. The sentencing laws of at least ten states also treat crack cocaine offenses more harshly than powder. 6 See Human Rights Watch and The Sentencing Project ââ¬Å"Losing the Vote: The Impact of Felony Disenfranchisement Law in the United States,â⬠(New York: Washington, D. C. , 1998) 7 The requirement of proof of intent has been a formidable barrier for victims of discrimination in the criminal justice system seeking judicial relief. See, e. g. , ââ¬Å"Developments in the Law: Race and the Criminal Process,â⬠101 Harvard Law Review 1520 (1988). 8 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Par. I, Article 1,3. In the Centre for Human Rights, Human Rights: A Compilation of International Instruments, Vol. , ST/HR/1/REV. 5 (New York: United Nations, 1994), p. 66. Also available at http://www. un. org/Depts/Treaty/. 9 See CERD, General Recommendation XIV(42) on article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, U. N. GAOR, 48th Sess. , Supp. No. 18, at 176, U. N. Doc. A/48/18(1993). See also, Theodor Meron, ââ¬Å"The Meaning and Reach of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,â⬠79 The American Journal of International Law 283, 287-88 (1985). 10 Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, General Recommendation on Par. I, Article 1 of CERD. 11 See Todd R. Clear, ââ¬Å"The Unintended Consequences of Incarceration,â⬠(paper presented to the NIJ Workshop on Corrections Research, February 14-15, 1996). 12 Allen J. Beck, ââ¬Å"Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1999,â⬠Bureau of Justice Statistics, U. S. Department of Justice (April 2000). 13 Ibid. ; Kathleen Maguire and Ann L. Pastore, eds. , 1998 Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U. S. Department of Justice (1999), Table 6. 36. 14 Thomas P. Bonczar and Allen J. Beck, ââ¬Å"Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison,â⬠Bureau of Justice Statistics, U. S. Department of Justice (March 1997). 15 In each of the twenty years since 1978 for which data is available, the South has had significantly higher incarceration rates than any other region. See BJS, 1998 Sourcebook, Table 6. 37 . 16 The number of prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants varies worldwide from about 20 in Indonesia to about 685 in Russia. In Western Europe, the rate ranges between 35 in Cyprus and 145 in Portugal. Andre Kuhn, ââ¬Å"Incarceration Rates Across the World,â⬠Overcrowded Times, April 1999, p. 1. International rates of incarceration include prisoners awaiting sentences as well as all sentenced prisoners, whereas state prisons in the U. S. only confine convicted prisoners with sentences of more than one year. Therefore, the actual difference between foreign rates of incarceration and U. S. prison incarceration rates is even greater than suggested. http://www. hrw. org/reports/2000/usa/Rcedrg00-03. htm#P222_42059.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Federal Substances Abuse And Mental Health - 874 Words
Is essential to attain and improve of the mental health in population. Because mental disorder is dependable for a high degree of burden, it is fundamental that efficient preventive and promotional actions be taken in mental health to decrease the impact of mental disorders on the residents and communities. Over all, mental health assistances focusing on the strategy prevents the illness itself to mainly treatments and recovery centers which varies primary, secondary, and tertiary and depends on the severity of the disease or associated disability. As mental disorder can affect different ages, functioning of person what results trigger diminished quality of life, emotional suffering, isolation, and stigma. The Federal Substances Abuse and Mental Services Administration (SAMHSA) in the United States Department of Health and Human Services stressed on the advancement of emotional well-being, avoidance of mental illness and substance abuse, and services for mental and substances use dis orders according the individual needs. Primary mental health services are a fairly recent idea in health care that was described by the World Health Organization (WHO). The interventions start from primary care physicians that detect early problem, prescribe medications, referring to counseling services, chronic diseases management, applying strategies to prevent mental disorders, and improve population overall health outcomes basted on the needs in primary healthcare. The causes of mentalShow MoreRelatedThe Mental Health Parity And Addiction Act1533 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Mental Health Parity and Addiction Act (MHPAEA) of 2008. This act requires the same level of benefits for substance use treatment and mental services as one would receive for medical care from their health insurance. The MHPAEAââ¬â¢s requirements were expanded by the Affordable Care Act that some health insurance plans should cover mental health and substance abuse treatment and services. This act will allow many social workers to treat more pati ents with low incomes and that have substance useRead MoreSAMHSA Case Study758 Words à |à 4 Pagesbehavioral health services (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017). The stateââ¬â¢s role includes choosing and demanding what services are offered to the individuals in that area, promote and ensure rules and other demands for the delivery of mental health, substance abuse services, and work together with local governments to reduce these types of illnesses, and oversee the health care delivery overall within this service statewide (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationRead MorePrisoners With Special Needs864 Words à |à 4 Pagesspecial needs category or those who are known for substance abuse. The reason why these special need inmates affect the jail and prison system, both on a federal and state level would be because of the specialized attention in which they require. If these prisoners are not given the proper attention that i s needed for their disability, they can because a danger to not only themselves but to everyone around them; those who have a substance abuse related illness may even become sick and possiblyRead MoreDiane Feinstein s Life For Serving The People Of California Essay1671 Words à |à 7 Pagesauthor of The Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act of 1996 and The Federal Gang Violence Act, which became law in 2007. She also has worked in supporting the Crime Victims Bill of Rights, the Small Business Defense Conversion Guarantee Act, the California Desert Protection Act, and legislation for the Breast Cancer Research Stamp. 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The 2010 Affordable Health Care Act, the 1996 Mental Health Parity Act and various other legislations have improved the accessibility, affordability and quality of group health plans and insurance plans. Although a few loop holes and old laws continue o hamper efforts to bring about health care parity, the legislations are a big step in the right direction. The efforts aimed to integrate behavioral health services into mainstream medical serviceRead MoreDrug Policy And Funding Has Not Changed Much Over The Past Two Decades1505 Words à |à 7 Pageson prevention, treatment and enforcement (p.1). One approach to this is allotting billions of dollars to the Federal Drug Control Budget. As of 2014, the majority of funding for this budget went into supply reduction (59.9%), demand reduction (40.1%), and domestic law enforcement (36.8%). Only 35 percent of the funding was provided for treatment of drug abuse, and 5.1 percent for drug abuse prevention (Sacco, 2014, p.16). These numbers have not changed since 2005, when they were within a 5 percentRead MoreHomelessness And Mental Health And Substance Abuse878 Words à |à 4 Pagesdramatically, tripling in 182 cities over the court of the 1980s (Bagenstos, 2012). In addition, mental health and substance abuse is a major problem in across the country because of homelessness. According to the S ubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,20 to 25% of the homeless population in the United States suffers from some form of severe mental illness (DMHAS, 2014). Consequently, mental illnesses disrupt peopleââ¬â¢s ability to carry out key aspects of daily life, such as self-careRead MoreThe Health Care System As A Whole951 Words à |à 4 Pagesissue/topic on the health care system as a whole. Drug abuse is an illness of the brain, and it has a negative impact on the body system. It weakens the immune system making is difficult for the body to fight diseases. Drug use also affect other organs of the body which includes the heart, liver kidney and the brain. This illness can cause paranoid, aggression, impaired judgment, hallucination and suicidal ideations. The statistics available shows that annual number of people with substances dependency inRead MorePublic Policy, Social Welfare Programs, Stakeholder Groups, And Joel Blau s Five Elements Model1347 Words à |à 6 PagesStates Senators is the Expand Excellence in Mental Health Act. We can gain a better understanding of this act by taking a look at a recent public policy related to mental healthcare, the values in the Code of Ethics, social welfare programs, stakeholder groups, and Joel Blauââ¬â¢s five elements model. This will give us a better understanding into the social problem and public policy related to access to mental healthcare. When it comes to access to mental healthcare, one public policy that relates would
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